• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

Seed Loans

Providing seed loans for up and coming professionals and small business owners.

Some clients are better off starting their own business than working for someone else. We assess that on intake and have provided seed loans for up and coming professionals and small business owners. An aptitude for the business and an excellent business plan are prerequisites. 

We support our client to assess further help as they build their client base.  Lema'an Achai has successfully helped launch small businesses including, law practices, party planners, and others in our community.


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For USD, you will be able select the tax receipt type: Israeli Seif 46 or USA 501c3.
*Your Amount Choice

Donations to Lema'an Achai are tax deductible in the USA, UK, Israel and Canada.
American Friends of Lema'an Achai is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Donations to it are deductible under section 170 of the Code.* EIN 20-1614684
ILS donations to Lema'an Achai are recognized for Seif 46 tax deductible receipts.
For donations in Canada and the UK, click here
To make an offline donation, click here

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