Sister Circle for Single Mothers
Many single mothers lack local, familial support and an understanding of the dominant bureaucracy. Additional gender inequalities and childcare needs force single mothers to take positions that make it harder to support their families. Their unique needs and challenges require unique support.Sister Circle was established to meet their needs. They receive counseling, scholarships, retraining and seed loans geared to careers and businesses that can accommodate their newfound financial, emotional, and parenting burdens and enable their children’s successes. The Sister Circle also acts as a participant peer support group.The Sister Circle's unique approach enables our clients to support their families, no longer dependent on others.
The Sister Circle
Single Mothers Support Network
Social Events
Chanuka parties, Purim carnivals and more. Providing access to quality respite time.
Career and Vocational Planning
The path to independence begins with clear guidance, goals and direction
Social Work Team
Facilitating positive change.
Chazak V'Amatz Mentoring
Commemorating Ephraim Moss z"l
Citizen's Rights Advocacy
If you apply – you may receive. If you don't – you will never know.
Therapy Unit
Professional help can make a big difference, today and tomorrow.
Seed Loans
Providing seed loans for up and coming professionals and small business owners.