• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

Board Members

  • Mitch Rich

    Board Member

    Mitch made aliyah from New Jersey to Ramat Beit Shemesh in 2009 and currently lives in the Ramat Shilo neighborhood with his wife Tova and four children. Mitch manages real estate technology solutions delivery for US real estate companies. Prior to making aliyah, Mitch also spent time as a Chesed Activities Coordinator at Kushner Yeshiva High School. Mitch was attracted to Lema'an Achai due to the concept of Smart Chesed and the ability to give in a unique way with such a strong impact. In addition to ... Show More

  • Baruch Swinkin

    Board Member

    Baruch Swinkin is the owner and CFO of Route 38 Professional Services LTD, a Ramat Beit Shemesh company, offering global business solutions. Baruch has over 20 years of experience in corporate accounting and auditing, having worked in a variety of industries. Baruch brings a wealth of knowledge from his experiences working for a Big Four accounting firm, a global industry-leading company, as well as small business. Baruch’s expertise includes Israeli and US corporate accounting, Israeli HR management, internal management reporting, as well as budget development and preparation.

  • Zecie Maltz

    Board Member

    Zecie (Jennifer) Maltz, Psy.D. is a psychologist specializing in treating developmental issues in preschoolers and early elementary school aged children.  She made Aliya in 2005 directly to Ramat Bet Shemesh, with her husband Yacov and (nearly) 4 children (the 4th was born a few months later).    Zecie has, at various times, served on the Ramat Shilo neighborhood Board, the Board of Bet Knesset Mishkan Shilo, including its Building Committee, and the Vaad Amuta of the Harel School. She takes great pleasure in her volunteer work with Hatzala Bet Shemesh, where she ... Show More

  • Shira Greenstone

    Board Member

    Shira Greenstone is an occupational therapist specializing in geriatrics. A few years ago, she entered the world of high tech and is now the clinical director of MyndYou. She made aliya 11 years ago with her husband and they have been supporters of Lema’an Achai since then. Shira is also a regular Team Lema'an Achai runner at the Jerusalem Marathon. She is the proud mother to five amazing children, a wonderful son in law, and one delicious grandson.

  • Rafael Sait

    Board Member

    Rafael Sait has been involved in the world of Jewish philanthropy for almost 15 years. As the Israel Trips Director for Olami , he oversaw grants to thousands of college students looking to learn more about their heritage. Currently as the CFO for a UK based Charity , he is involved with Jewish communities and schools across Europe. As the father of 5 he and his wife Pearly have made their home in Ramat Bet Shemesh since August of 2001.

  • Marc Tobin

    Board Member

    Marc Tobin made aliya in 1998 and lives in Bet Shemesh. Marc is a lawyer by training and since his aliya, has held various management positions for private and publicly-traded hi-tech and bio-tech companies. Currently he works in the area of wealth management. Marc participated in the 2009, 2013 and 2017 Maccabia Games as member of the Israeli Master’s softball team. 

  • Eytan Yehuda Dzikowski

    Board Member

    Rabbi Eytan Yehuda Dzikowski, brings a perfect blend of Torah and business acumen. Hailing from Strasbourg, France where he received his Baccalaureate and graduated with honors, he then continued his Talmudic studies at Gateshead Yeshiva in the United Kingdom under the direction of Rabbi Gerwitz, shlita. His business training in Touro College in Manhattan has assisted him in his career as a entrepreneur. When he’s not managing his several businesses, Rabbi Dzikowski sits on the board of directors of Kehillas Shivtei Yeshurun, Lema'an Achai, as well as Hatzala Beit Shemesh for which he volunteers as its CEO, Emergency Medical Technician and Emergency Hot Line Dispatcher.

  • Eli Neumann

    Board Member

    Eli Neumann has been part of technology companies for over 15 years. Eli is currently the CEO of Vernet Technologies, and the CTO of Networx Systems. Eli has been involved and a supporter of Lemaan Achai for over 10 years. Eli currently lives in Ramat Bet Shemesh together with his wife Shani and 4 kids.

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