• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

Remedial Tutoring

Graduating never felt so sweet!

For some children the path of education proves far more complicated as they are plagued with emotional difficulties, learning disabilities, or medical conditions. Such situations often require more than "a little help with homework" or "a few private lessons" to overcome. We at Lema'an Achai know that poverty tends to exacerbate difficulties at school and makes intervention all the more urgent to prevent dropout. We maintain longstanding relationships with professionals in remedial education and subsidize their services so that our clients' children will have the best chance to develop skills, overcome difficulties, and complete school to be productive members of society.


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American Friends of Lema'an Achai is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Donations to it are deductible under section 170 of the Code.* EIN 20-1614684
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