• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

The Ayelet Wolf Fund

Help Us Reach Our Goal

I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis

Hi my name is Ayelet Wolf.

I am 24 years old. In 2017, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, an autoimmune disease that causes the immune system to attack the nervous system.

It all started with my leg dragging during a family hike, and, within half a year the hospital became my second home. I had 4 MRIs, underwent many tests and when I finally received the diagnosis I felt numb. I had a hard time processing the news, kind of like it was happening to someone else

I missed most of my last year of high school because I spent so much time in the hospital and had side effects from the medications. Looking back I miss those times, when I still had hope for a normal life ahead.

I could not do Sherut or army as I was not physically independent enough and so I started working. During those years I tried steroids, plasma and am currently on my fourth medication.

In 2019 Corona came into all our lives and two months later the wheelchair became a permanent fixture in mine. I started having issues standing for more than a minute or two. Work was not an option anymore. I was disappointed when I had to leave my workplace because it was not accessible enough for me.

It’s frustrating to live in a house relying on people for the most basic needs, to feel useless, a burden when really I just want to be able bodied like everyone else.

Currently two people need to be present in the house in order to lift me, be it for going downstairs to the living room or going to the bathroom.

I am looking for funding to build a room outside that will have a cement ceiling for a hoyer lift as well as an elevator to the street. This way I will be able to get around with minimal help, which is extremely important now that my siblings are moving out for sherut / army and having two people who can lift me is a big problem.

I would greatly appreciate it if you could share with friends and, of course any amount donated brings me one step closer to my goal of independence.

From the bottom of my heart,
Thank you.


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