• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

Social Work Team

Facilitating positive change.

Lema'an Achai's highly experienced master's-level licensed clinical social workers form the foundation of Smart Chesed. They promote positive change, seeking to empower people and improve their wellbeing at all levels:  individual, familial, communal, and societal. They work empathically and with cultural sensitivity to become genuine agents of change in people's lives. 
Utilizing a strengths-based approach to facilitate growth, our social workers connect clients with resources, liaison with professionals and promote utilization of additional points of support in clients' lives.

Clients' first contact with Lema'an Achai entails a thorough initial interview conducted by a skilled social worker who assesses needs and begins to offer support. A social worker is then assigned to be their case manager who works closely with them for the duration of their care. This case manager accompanies them through every step of the process and provides advocacy and guidance in addition to coordinating and monitoring services.

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