Chicago's Wing in The International Chesed Center
Establish Chicago's presence in Lema'an Achai's International Chesed Center
The Chicago Jewish Community is renowned throughout the Jewish world for its warmth, its fervent commitment to ideals of Torah, Chesed and the Land of Israel. The outstanding generosity of the community strongly reflects these values.
Lema’an Achai is Israel's premier Chesed organization, helping families break out of the cycle of poverty by giving them hand-ups and not only hand-outs. Lema'an Achai provides a variety of services for the less fortunate on their road to indepedence.
Ron Allswang, Lema'an Achai's Public Relations Director, grew up in Chicago and made Aliyah to Israel, with all the above ideals. He is now overseeing the creation of Lema'an Achai's permanent home: The International Chesed Center.
The Chicago community is proud to be a part of the Center by establishing its own wing. This is a very fitting way to express the community's involvement in Chesed and its expression of solidarity with Israel on a physical and spiritual level.
Please give generously to make this a reality.
Thank you for your support.
Donations to Lema'an Achai are tax deductible in the USA, UK, Israel and Canada.American Friends of Lema'an Achai is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Donations to it are deductible under section 170 of the Code.* EIN 20-1614684ILS donations to Lema'an Achai are recognized for Seif 46 tax deductible receipts.For donations in Canada and the UK, click hereTo make an offline donation, click here