• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

General Donation

I support Lema'an Achai because I also believe in Smart Chesed!

Lema'an Achai depends on the support of generous people throughout the world. Your support will directly help a family to get through and out of crisis. Your ROI--one decade return on investment of stopping the cycle of poverty--is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

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Donations to Lema'an Achai are tax deductible in the USA, UK, Israel and Canada.
American Friends of Lema'an Achai is recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a charitable organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Code. Donations to it are deductible under section 170 of the Code.* EIN 20-1614684
ILS donations to Lema'an Achai are recognized for Seif 46 tax deductible receipts.
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