• 972-2-999-1553
  • info@lemaanachai.org

Get Smart!

Dear Chesed Coordinator,
We are proud to present you 'Get Smart', an exciting new High School Chesed program designed to help students internalize the different levels of Chesed, and how it impacts on the person being helped.
Who is Lema'an Achai and what is our Smart Chesed Philosophy? 
Smart Chesed gives people a hand-up, not a hand out, the latter which tends to perpetuate poverty. The Smart Chesed philosophy promotes a truly authentic and ever-lasting Chesed, one which rehabilitates a person or family out of crisis. 
Give a Man a Fish You Have Fed Him for a Day; Teach a Man to Fish You Have Fed Him for Life.
This program allows your students to delve into classic source material, and encourages them to use 'out-of-the-box thinking' to create poverty solutions and help the needy to come through, and then out of, crisis.
We would very much like to meet with your juniors and seniors who will greatly benefit.
An optional 75 minute time-slot will include introductory remarks (by Lema'an Achai's Director, Rabbi Avrohom Leventhal-a former High School teacher), the syllabus overview, role play, and a re-cap of how Smart Chesed provides a different approach/solution to end the cycle of poverty.
The attached Get Smart program provides a refreshing new challenge for your students.
We will be in your area  in the coming months and are happy to include your school in our itinerary.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Ron Allswang
Director, PR and Marketing

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