Readathon 2023
Wow, what an amazing end to an awesome jam-packed Summer Readathon!
Our 9th Annual Readathon with 342 children from all over Israel, was a big hit. They actually dedicated vacation time reading for Chesed. Over two short months, they read 10192 hours and helped kids from less fortunate families by raising 38845 NIS for school supplies, tutoring and mentoring in order to help them start the 5784 school year on the right foot. This amount brings us to the remarkable total of 280,369 NIS raised since 2018. Kol Hakavod to all our readers throughout the years.
We enjoyed our annual ceremony where our amazing readers and families were addressed by Rav Avrohom Leventhal our Executive Director, who spoke about the importance of education and reading. Our readers collected their certificates, goodies and prizes while entering raffles to win awesome prizes and nibbling on some popcorn and delicious cotton candy. Our Readers also got a very special Journal filled with well-wishes and blessings written by family and friends, letting our dear readers know just how proud we are of them. Everyone had a great time and we can't wait to see even more kids signed up and ready to read next year at our Summer Readathon 2024.