How It Works

In This Page

1. Overview

Welcome! The purpose of this website is for people to sign up for marathon events and get people to sponsor them. So if you're on this website, you're either a participant or a sponsor (or both!).

Participants, in a nutshell:

  1. You sign up.
  2. You get people to sponsor you!

Sponsors, in a nutshell:

  1. You locate the participant you wish to sponsor;
  2. You sponsor them!

2. Registration

The registration process consists of a two-page registration form.
  1. On the first screen, you fill out general information about yourself: your name, birthday, phone, address, etc.
  2. On the second screen, you fill out information about the event, such as what track you will run on, if you are signing up for a marathon.
  3. In addition to registering on our website, you need to register on the Jerusalem Marathon website. You will receive an email from us allowing you to indicate that you have done so.

Returning Participants

If you have participated in events on this website in the past, then you are a returning participant. On the first registration page, if you enter the same email address you previously used, the system will find you and email you a link which takes you straight to the second registration page.

3. After You Register

Logging In

As a registered participant, there are several useful pages to assist you in the fundraising process. In order to access these page, you need to be logged in, with the email and password you entered when you signed up.


Once you complete the registration page, you will appear on the page listing the marathon participants, and from there, people can visit your profile page and then sponsor you.

While not required, you are warmly encouraged to fill out your profile, by uploading a photo of yourself and writing a mini-bio telling the world a bit about yourself and why you're participating.

Your profile page also shows your fundraising progress, and the donations that have come in for you. And most importantly, it contains a button which takes the visitor to a page where they can sponsor you.


  1. Miminum. Once you register, you are expected to raise a minimum amount. Of course, if you are feeling ambitious, you can set your goal even higher than that.
  2. Get Sponsors.There is a page you can use to get people to sponsor you. Enter the names and emails of your friends and family members and they will get an email with a link to your profile page.
  3. Track Progress. There is another page listing all donations that have come in for you, and showing how close you are to reaching your fundraising goal.

4. Teams and Groups

Feeling sociable? We provide two different ways for you to participate together with friends and family.


This option is ideal for family members who wish to participate together, such as a husband and wife. One of you will register, and on the second registration screen, you enter the names and email addresses of the relatives you wish to participate with. Each of your relatives will be emailed a special registration link, which if they use will join their registration to yours.

Once you have created your team, there will be a single joint profile page for all of you togther. Your team minimum fundraising goal will be higher than that of a single participant, and it will be based on the number of people on your team. And all donations that come in will be towards your team as a whole.


Let's say you went to Roosevelt High School 10 years ago and you find out that a bunch of your high school friends are also planning on participating in the marathon. This is an ideal situation for creating a group. One of the participants will create the group. And then, any subsequent participant can indicate during the registration process that they wish to be part of that group.

Unlike with teams, if you are a group member, you will still have your own separate individual profile, and you will be expected to fundraise on your own, and meet your own individual goal.

However, in addition, a profile page will be created for your group, and there will be a group fundraising goal. Whenever anyone sponsors a group member, that donation will count towards both that member's individual goal, and towards the groups joint goal.

5. Sponsors

Here are the steps involved in sponsoring a participant:
  1. Go to the Sponsor page, and locate the person you wish to sponsor.
  2. Click on their name to get to their profile page.
  3. Click on the "Sponsor Me" button.
  4. Fill out the donation form. As you make your donation, you will have the opportunity of leaving a message for your friend.
Once your donation goes through:
  1. Your participating friend will be notified by email of your donation;
  2. Your donation will appear on their profile page;
  3. You will receive a tax receipt for your donation.


When you enter your donation, you have two anonymity options regarding how your donation will appear on your participant friend's profile page:
  1. You can request that your donation appear without your name.
  2. You can request that your name will appear, but that the amount will not.

Multiple Participants

Have more than one participating friend you wish to sponsor? Rather than going through the whole process multiple times, when you are on the Sponsor page, click on the "Sponsor Multiple Participants" option.

This will take you to a page with a checkbox beside each participant. Check all participants you wish to sponsor, and then proceed to the donation page, where you will be able to sponsor them all in one fell swoop!

If your question doesn't appear on this page, feel free to contact us.

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