Step 1 of 2: Participant Registration

To begin, please first enter your email:

Welcome Back, !
To continue, please click on the link we just emailed you.You have already signed up for this event! To continue, please login. If you have forgotten your password, click here.
After you complete and submit this screen, there is a second screen, where you will enter your registration details for this campaign.
* Required field

2025 Jerusalem Marathon

Personal Information

*Mobile Phone
*First Name
Please enter your name as you would like it to appear on your official tax receipt.
*Last Name
*Date of Birth
1. Select day. 2. Select month. 3. Type 4-digit year.
Identification Document
Document No.

Contact Information

Home Phone
*Mailing Address
Please be sure to use the address which appears on your credit card.
If not applicable, select the "non-USA/Canada" option.
Zip/Postal Code
*Emergency Contact Person
*Relationship to Participant
*Emergency Contact Phone
Emergency Contact Email

Registration Information

Choose the currency in which you wish amounts to be displayed to you on our website. Your donors may donate in either currency.
Create a password to access your individualized fundraising pages.
*Confirm Password
*T-shirt Size
How did you hear about us?

Learn more about dwarfing your competitors.

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